

I’m sure many of you are all aware of the hashtag #FirstWorldProblems, and if you are not, let me explain…

First world problems are problems that many of us will complain about in day to day life, many get broadcasted on Twitter or Facebook. Here’s a few first world problems that I have just found on Twitter…

“Can’t decide between Jamie or Nigella roast potatoes #FirstWorldProblems

“I’m so hungry, but I’m too lazy to go downstairs #FirstWorldProblems

“So many shoes…so little luggage space #FirstWorldProblems

“When your phone charger doesn’t reach you in bed #FirstWorldProblems

“All the tech in the world and still bored #FirstWorldProblems

Get the picture?

They’re all silly things and I bet we’ve all been guilty at one time or another of thinking/saying/complaining about something similar to these. At first, I found the hashtag quite amusing, and guilty, I have used it once or twice on Twitter. I found it rather amusing when I first heard about it, but now I’m rather reluctant to use it.

So here’s some food for thought… whilst we are here pulling our hair out because we’ve gone to bed then realised the phone charger is downstairs and we have to go allllllllll the way back down the stairs to get it, or Tesco has ran out of our favourite flavour of Ben & Jerry’s (which are all clearly #FirstWorldProblems), what would third world problems look like?

I have no water to drink and I haven’t had any for days #ThirdWorldProblems

We have no food to feed our family tonight #ThirdWorldProblems

This YouTube advert really puts into perspective how ridiculous the things we say actually are. It cleverly jumped on the back of the first world problems trend and was able to turn it around to raise awareness of their charity…

The aim of this blog post is to realise how ridiculous many of the things we complain about actually are. Since it’s Christmas time we need to look at the things we own and the people who are around us and be grateful of every single thing because there are millions of people who can only wish for the things what we have. Yes, it may be annoying if your phone dies and you haven’t finished editing your selfie for Instagram but be grateful that you even have a phone, be grateful that your house has electricity. It may only happen in the first world but it isn’t a problem. Realise how lucky you really are.

Merry Christmas,

Love Jo.

Pepsi VS Coca Cola

I am slightly late in blogging about this particular subject as this post is back dated to Halloween! The latest battle between the well known coke brands, Pepsi and Coca Cola remind me why I chose to go into advertising…it’s fun! Pepsi came out fighting this October when they showed a playful print ad of a Pepsi can dressed up as Coca Cola to look scary on Halloween. Here it is…

Pepsi HalloweenFunny, right? Great little advert poking fun at Coca Cola and I cannot fault them for it. However the battle between them both gets better when you see Coca Cola’s response to it…

coke responseGenius! Well done Coca Cola, I personally think you won this battle. I love playful wars between brands as long as they are just that – playful. What’s the point in seriously trying to ruin a brands reputation? You lose credibility by doing that, in my opinion anyway. So banter like this, and clever banter at that I very much appreciate. Personally I prefer Coca Cola anyway, and as it is nearly Christmas I’m all over their brand from the moment I see their Christmas advert. However, Pepsi definitely deserves a lot of a credit for even having the guts to tease Coke. Thumbs up for all!

Do you have a favourite advert? Do you have a preference in the brands?


It’s Fizzy. It’s Ginger. It’s Phenomenal.

As Summer is coming close to an end, and I go back to University next week, my life isn’t quite yet hectic. Once my lectures are back in full swing and I’m starting my one-day-a-week internship, I’ll hopefully be posting about “A Day In The Life Of An Intern” (or something along the lines of that). But until then, as nothing much is going on I’ve decided to dedicate this blog post to Irn Bru as my sister showed me a montage of Irn Bru adverts from the past few years and I think I should shine light to them. I didn’t realize how funny they were!

Here we go (the title will make sense after watching this)…


This was banned from TV, however, it is still hilarious!


This is unexpected…


“You canny call her Fanny”…


Not too sure if this is appropriate for a TV ad – maybe that’s why I’ve never actually seen it on TV!


And finally… This is possibly the smartest of all the adverts shown so far as it’s shown throughout Christmas – and we all know the snowman and we know the song too.

End Of The World Job Interview

Although I’ve already blogged once this week, I came across a great new advert which my boyfriend had shared on Facebook which I had to show on my blog. For all of you who haven’t yet seen it, get watching!

A fabulous ad for the new LG Ultra HD 84″ TV. 10/10 from me – what do you think?

Live Like Grandpa Did


This is Coca-Cola’s new advert to encourage a healthy life style as part of a anti-obesity campaign. I love it! As Britain – a long with many other countries have a growing waistline it’s about time that companies are trying to emphasize the need for a healthy lifestyle. Coca-Cola are just the kind of big company which needs to help tackle this problem. Ok, I agree, Coca-Cola may be one of the problems with it’s sugar-filled drinks. However, that’s due to people’s own consumption as I’m sure it could be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle if drank as a treat once in a while. My favourite part of the advert is the montage of heart-warming family images at the end. Well done Coke, you get a thumbs up from me.