
The things you can do in a couple of minutes…

photo edit

As an advertising student I do spend a lot of time looking at different adverts that are in the media. But also, as a woman, I pay attention to how women look in these adverts – mainly their slim, tanned, disproportional bodies. We constantly see “perfect” women in adverts from perfume to clothes – for male and female.  It’s difficult to tell what is actually real on these “perfect” women we are shown. 

So… one day I decided to have a play around with one of my holiday snaps from this year. As you can see, the photo on the left is the real one where I look very pale which not much make-up, then on the right I magically have a three-week-Caribbean-holiday tan, blusher and a touch of lippy! I know it’s not the best of editing – but I didn’t spend very long on it and I don’t have Photoshop. But it gives an idea of how much can be changed, I even found a “skinny” edit feature which slim down your face and body on the photo!

Don’t get me wrong, I am not gullible, I am very aware that the majority of the things we see in the media are not real and have been tampered with in some way. But, I do think it’s crazy that we can take a picture of someone and through editing we could change their skin colour, weight, height, make-up and facial features – all in a few clicks! I’m all for touching up photo’s and making things picture perfect for advertising campaigns but I don’t agree with showing young women disproportionate pictures of women and making them think it’s possible to look like them.


A Window Shoppers Dream


(Image from

The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? OK I admit it, I’m addicted to Pinterest!!

As being someone who loves going into shops and looking at what’s on offer without having an intention to purchase, it’s great for me! I can snoop through all different fashion items and add them to my fashion board without spending a penny!

When I first heard of Pinterest I thought, right so you gather all pictures you like…then what? Nothing? Well then, what’s the point of that!? Then I tried it and I love it – I know it’s a complete waste of my time but I enjoy gathering ideas and looking through interesting pictures.

I have different boards for tattoo ideas, travel ideas and fashion. I only have 8 people following be – but that’s beside the point, I do it for myself!

I think it’s definitely a woman’s site/app, I could never see a man using it; I don’t think they would enjoy it at all. But it’s a site that I would recommend for all women who like materialistic things, seeing what they want to own but may not be able to afford, or even women who like arts and crafts and want to gather different ideas.

Definitely a site you need to discover if you haven’t already.