Go Compare

The annoying ‘Go Compare’ man!


We all know the ridiculous and annoying theme tune: GO COMPARE, GO COMPARE – OK I’ll stop now, I know how annoying and catchy it is.

We might hate the adverts – the previous ones anyway – but we can’t deny it is fabulous advertising. Whenever I have needed to get car insurance quotes, Go Compare is where I go first just because I remember it easily; exactly what the advert is designed for.

However since they’ve stopped the irritating singing (luckily for us) they’ve turned the campaign into something funny, showing ‘Gio Compario’ looking for another job because people hate him. The latest one to hit our screens this April has been Gio walking into his agency with his new piano playing dog. I find the advert creative and funny, by making the consumers hate him then showing their knowledge that we hate him is very clever.


I remember my Dad complaining every time Gio started singing and rush to put the TV on mute, but then when they brought out the first advert of a woman attempting to bomb Gio – well, I’ve never heard him laugh so much. Very clever marketing from Go Compare and I wonder where they are going to go next…